How much should someone expect from a car accident settlement in New York?

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Video Transcript:

How much should person expect from a car accident settlement? The answer to that question is that there is a tremendous range based upon many, many variables. There’s 3 things that make up a really big case. One of them is liability, who’s responsible for the accident. Another one is damages, which are your injuries in a car accident case, and the third part of the equation to have a really big case is insurance coverage. If you have all 3 of those that are in your favor, you could have a very big case and expect to receive a lot of money. Sometimes the cases are limited by one of those or all of those factors. So for instance, if the car that caused the accident only has $25,000 of insurance, the most you could expect to receive is 25,000 if you don’t have any additional coverage that might protect or cover you. It’s all about the variables that make up a car accident case.

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