What Can I Do if My Injuries Prevent Me From Returning to Work?
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Video Transcript:
Oftentimes, people get injured at work or prevent them from going back to work, and that’s typically an issue that arises in the vast majority of cases for those who are employed. What happens? Well, of course, the family is gonna suffer from the possible breadwinner or even secondary income from not working. So typically speaking, if it’s a motor vehicle accident, no fault pays a percentage of your wages for a certain amount of time. So that is one help. The remaining portion that they do not pay will become part of a lost wage claim in a case, which we can claim for. Essentially, at the end of the case and the end of the resolution, part of the negotiation process, or a verdict, we will present that to a jury or a mediator and get that percentage lost. And whatever additional monies were lost, let’s say you’re out forever or you could never go back, we’re gonna calculate that. And part of that calculation doesn’t come from us. We present an economist to evaluate your w twos, your tax records, your k ones, whatever job you may, have and in whatever capacity you may have it in is relevant to your eventual lost wage claim. Then there’s also a capacity to work. So there’s a vocational aspect to this as well, and you have to then hire an expert and say, well, now because of these injuries, what are you limited to in the capacity of work? And what jobs can you retain despite your injuries? And what value lost is there for that part of the case, which many personal injury attorneys don’t even understand that there’s 2 or more aspects of a lost wage claim. It’s not limited just to dollars and cents. You have to look beyond that and think about all the parameters involving your ability to work.
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