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Loss of consortium deals with the spousal ability to collect on a claim for the person who’s injured inability to help throughout the home, do things of that nature. So there is a potential claim for that. It usually involves serious significant injuries. Often times people plead it when it shouldn’t be plead. We are particular with that case or those circumstances because we wanna make sure that that will hold in a court and that a jury would actually see that to be true. So, you know, for an example, in a TBI case where somebody’s confined to a recliner chair for most of their their life or or unable to work or a spinal injury case, something of that nature that’s now rendered them permanently disabled. Yeah. Of course, you know, there is some kind of loss of consortium claim there.
Chopra & Nocerino, Injury & Accident Attorneys
Long Island, Nassau County Office
100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd #107
Garden City, NY 11530
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